Bibliothèques et archives municipales de Besançon


Artists reclaim the commons

Artists reclaim the commons

New York / New territories / New Publics
Editeur :
isc Press 2013
Résumé : Following The New Earthwork: Art, Action, Agency, published last year by ISC Press, Artists Reclaim the Commons makes the case for art as a driving force behind efforts to reimagine human relationships and the built environment. Far from advocating any one genre of public art, this book features a range of project types, from innovative campus programs and biennials to participatory performances and political protests. Art can take to the streets in any number of ways -regardless of approach, the selected projects all share a willingness to work outside of and/or across discrete public art typologies, using institutional frameworks at will, for instance, or blending high-profile status with small-scale, local activism.
Description :
1 volume (287 pages)
Format :
24 cm
Identifiant :
Traduit de :
Extraits musicaux
Extraits vidéos
Extrait du livre
Table des matières


Exemplaires : Artists reclaim the commons
Titre Support Consultation Bibliothèque Secteur Localisation Cote Disponibilité
Artists reclaim the commons LivrePrêt normalInstitut Supérieur des Beaux-ArtsLibre accèsBibliothèque ISBA0.50 HAREn rayon

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